Proud Community Partner to Morayfield East State School

At Morayfield East State School our Early Years Philosophy guides the work we do with our students in Prep – Year 2. We see young students as capable learners who bring a variety of knowledges and experiences with them into the school setting. Our Early Years Programs aim to encourage active learning, problem solving, exploration, effective communication, creativity, socialisation and participation, as we consider these as necessary for a student’s long-term success in education and in life. We follow Age-appropriate pedagogies in all of our Early Years classrooms. Age-appropriate pedagogies support early years teachers to apply a range and balance of teaching approaches and characteristics of quality teaching in their classroom practice. We believe that children build deep understanding when they learn through play, active exploration and experimentation. We also understand the importance of fostering the whole child at Morayfield East State School and use Reboot to teach emotional resilience and self-regulation skills in all of our students.

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